At last my compressor unit is finished! The knobs are in place, and the resistor in series with the VU meter lamp is mounted. The only thing left is whether I want to engrave the front plate, but I’ll try to use it for a period and figure out whether it’s worth it. After all, I have to dismount all the pots, switches and the VU meter, let alone the engraving-process itself (which I have never done before). We’ll see.
Tag Archives: 1176
G1176LN test
I calibrated the G1176LN unit yesterday night and performed my first function test, compressing some tracks in Cubase.
It works REALLY well, especially with some tracks with accoustic guitar we recorded with my band recently 😀
What remains is to mount the PCB and toroid transforme. I’m also waiting for a power resistor and replacement lamp for the VU-meter. I managed to f**k up and not take in consideration that the VU Lamp output on the PCB puts out ~35VDC and not 12V the lamp is rated for… oh well, you learn as you go…
G1176LN Update
G1176LN DIY Compressor
I’ve started building a 1176-clone based on Gyraf Audio’s fantastic work.
The PCB is almost entirely populated, and while I’m waiting for a 19″ enclosure, I’m doing what I can.
Will put up a project page in a little while.
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